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    Acetyl bromide
    Identification Product name: Acetyl Bromide
    Product name: Acetyl Bromide
    Molecular formula:  C2H3BrO Molecular weight:  122.96
    Structural formula:
    CAS No: 506-96-7 RTECS No: AO5955000
    HS code: 2915900090 UN No: 1716 
    Dangerous goods code:  81110 IMDG Code Page:  
    Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance and properties:  Colorless fume liquid, direct to air will turn yellow .
    Uses:  Used in organic synthesis.
    Melting point:  -96.5 Boiling point:  76.7
    Relative density (water=1):  1.663 Moisture ≤: 0.05%
    Acetyl Bromide Assay ≥


    PH value:  
    Saturated vapor pressure (kPa):   Solubility:  
    Critical temperature (℃):   Critical pressure (MPa):  
    Heat of combustion (kj/mol):  
    Combustion and explosion hazard Conditions to avoid: Moist air.
    Flammability:  Flammable Building regulation fire insurance classification:: -
    Flash point (℃): - Self-Ignition temperature(℃): -
    Lower explosive limit (V%): - Upper explosive limit (V%): -
    Hazardous characteristics:  Released Flammable, thermal decomposition Hydrogen bromide and highly toxic carbonyl bromine. With water and ethanol violent decomposition to generate acetic acid and Hydrogen bromide. Meet the tide of the most metals have strong corrosive.
    Combustion (decomposition) products:  Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen bromide. Stability: -
    Incompatible materials: water, alcohols, strong oxidizing agents, Strong alkali.   Polymerization hazards: -
    Fire fighting methods :   Fire extinguishing agent: dry powder, Carbon dioxide, Sandy soil. no fighting with foam and water.
    Risk category:  8.1 - -
    Packaging and transportation Packing group:  II
    Directions for storage and transportation: :  Stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated warehouse. Stay away from fire, heat source. The temperature is not more than 25 ℃, relative humidity is not more than 75%. Keep container sealed. Should not work with antioxidant, alkalis, alcohols, such as separate places, avoid mixed storage. Use explosion-proof lighting, ventilation facilities. To ban the use of equipment and tools that sparks are easy to generation. Storage area shall be equipped with emergency treatment equipment and suitable material.


    Acetyl Bromide quality index
    Item Index value
    Appearance Colorless fume liquid, direct to air will turn yellow .  
    Molecular formula C2H3BrO  
    Acetyl Bromide Assay ≥ 99% 
    Density (d2020) g/cm3 1.663
    PH value  
    Moisture ≤ 0.05%

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